WETHEGODS - O kapele | Bandzone.cz

WETHEGODS melodic-metalcore / Uherské Hradiště


Bandzone.cz Tip týdne

12. února 2024
Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • REFLECTION feat Damian Kučera

Členové skupiny

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Dodatečné info

Bio a historie

WETHEGODS is a fresh slice metalcore band formed in South Moravia, Czech Republic. All started as a studio project of two experienced and talented musicians from the Czech Metal and Hardcore scene. Wethegods isn’t just a name. It’s a symbol, an allegory reflecting the malignant influence of mankind that proclaimed itself the ruler of the planet. The master of all, chasing materialistic happiness, is here perceived as the driving force behind the demise of its surroundings, its land, and ultimately even its own kind. Despite the depressive and frustrating theme, WTG offers an energetic musical experience, mixing fresh melodies with down tune heavy riffs, breakdowns, and catchy choruses, while leaning on environmental-social lyrics.