When I Die - O kapele | Bandzone.cz

When I Die alternative-metal / Považská Bystrica

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Pain
  • Liar
  • You are not friend
  • Inwardly
  • Slow Death
  • New Beginning
  • Ukrajina
  • Koniec národov
  • Až po smrti

Členové skupiny

Nástrojové obsazení: Zpěv
Nástrojové obsazení: Kytara
Nástrojové obsazení: Baskytara

Kontakty a odkazy

Dodatečné info

Juraj Cibulka - clean,scream vocals

Štefan Melicherík - guitar, backing vocals

Marek Zjavka - guitar, backing vocals

Michal Tužinčin - bass

Miroslav Pastorek - keyboards

Ľubomír Blaško - drums



wolves are running to bite
No one can hide
Midnight became true
Dark is like glue
Their screaming is cuttin' you
The fear is near as they are
This land covered by red moonligh
Yes, the forest is deep
No one can sleep
Look into his eyes
Hey There is no way
Escape or stay
Night killed the day

I hear, I feel frozen fear
Death is calling
Their eyes are full of hatred

Born to running all the night
Burning evil's inside
Looking for the fight
Tonight they will kill
We are the prey
"Night is our time"

Red moon upon us
They are screaming
They are biting
Till night won't end
Now warm blood is flowing out 
This night called life won't end
Here I stand, I stand alone,
but I'm still not afraid.
Everyday there is in my mind...
Emotions fall thinking apart
It's too hard simply fall asleep
I burn too much sadness in my heart

On the empty streets there's only cry
I heard it loudly cutting sky
Woman on her knees, eyes are looking to the clouds
Something dies in her voice
I let her tears wash my hands like for the first and many times
Time will stop, there's no choice
Something weird I found in her pretty face, shining through the crimes
In her face happiness rises

Tears of happiness fell to the ground
Change the time-change my broken mind
All (what) I leave is now far behind
everything and every part
Can you see the sky, through the falling rain
to wash away the pain?
Can you see her smile, through the falling tears
to wash away her fear?
It comes in and than it flies like some ideas of my mind
Reloade gun! Start to fire! I saw many people die
Run and fall, fall and run. The despair is all around
Men in war can not fear. Death is just so near

Take my gun to fight for "right" 
"For honour and land"
These two things were all I believed,
tired of running in first line
Try to survive
Just me and my gun
I run to stay alive

And now days become night, no more sun and no more sky
For control to survive, but everybody's gonna die
The one thing, one they need is wet in blood their own feet
Fight again, hungry beast, nothing is how it seems

It comes in and than it flies like some ideas of my mind
Reloade gun. Start to fire. I saw many people die
Run and fall, fall and run. The despair is all around
We keep running to our death, we will never turn back
Take the gun, shoot me fast!
Pray for the night, dark can you hide
Just stay now, dead-list is long
Drowned in night, turned to blue

No matter how far you'll escape, my bullet finds you
No matter how long for this time, it's not important
No matter the way or road, which could hide your move
No matter weapon you choose, I'll allways be here

Take the gun, shoot my pride!
I tried to be small, you see me down
So close, familiar face I see
You were here all my life
In the streets lights vanish in the dark
and they're still haunting me
I'm behind you, too close to see
All I can is stay alive till sun rises up
in the morning
Stay alive? You little fool run
run, run, run....

Is it a dream or not?
I am trying to pass this night
What do they want from me?
I am trying to escape
run, run, run....

It's midnight
and I am running through the town of blackened windows
I'm behind you, too close to see
And this place without any humans
seems like evil's kingdom
Where the hell am I? 



When I say, I would leave,
Too late for you to grieve
Oh my, oh my
We are made to lie
When I try to forget,
When I try to escape
(How) Could I?
(How) could I?
What else can I deny?
How many times I said
"This deciet must end"?
Oh my, Oh my
This promise had died
And you say: "It's just fine,
It's just fine to lie"
Oh my, Oh my
Whole my life is a lie

I am a liar in every possible way
You are a liar no matter what they say,
Let's give a sence to our life,
Let's change it into another lie

It's just drama, we play
Every, single day
Oh my, oh my
Let my dreams die
And you say you are tired
of things you admired
Oh my, oh my
All these fucking lies
Why I wanted to stay?
this is vow I must break
Oh my, oh my
Better to rot alive?
Everything, what lives take...
Everything what we fake
Oh my, Oh my
We pretend till the end

We will pretend till the end

I am a liar every day
I am a liar in every way
I am a liar, no matter what you say 

I am not listening
I am not hearing you
I am just living nightmares
nightmares of me and you

I have been lost,
sleeping so long
I fought all of my fears
but they return so strong.

How many times?
How long this time?
We do not leave the bed
we are already dead
Closing the doors.
My inner little wars
We do not leave the bed
We are already dead

Hidden in cages,
asleep for ages
All of my dreams just fled
I know, I am already dead

It doesn't matter how I try,
all will turn into dream.
My life is sometimes unreal.
It doesn't matter if I want
I just can look at my face,
as I loose myself in my world

All reality will turn into a dream
Everything now seems so unreal


Come down with me
Come to die again, my friend.
Follow me, follow my steps
Aren't we, aren't we the same?
I can feel all your sorrow
I can feel your weakness
We walk together (through) this world
right to gates of your madness

I never was bonded to you,
(I never was  bonded to you)
I just want to free myself
(I just want to free myself)
I never believed in you
(I never believed in you)
Leave me alone, leave me alone
You are nothing,
You are not my friend!

I see us, I see us
As we are falling down
I see us, I see us
As we are loosing mind
I hear us I hear us
As we are screaming loud
I know now I know now
that it is coming.... 

You are nothing for me
(You are nothing for me)
I don't need to know who you are
(I don't need know whou you are)
I never trusted you
(I never trusted you)
Just get out, just get out
You are nothing
You are not my friend!

And you failed
And you failed
You keep failing
Over again..... 



Bio a historie


Kapela When I Die vznikla v roku 2010, keď jej zakladajúci členovia, gitarista Steve Melicherík 
a klávesák Miroslav Pastorek, končia pôsobenie v
iných hudobných zoskupeniach a svoju pozornosť začínajú venovať novej vznikajúcej kapele.
Postupne sa k ním pridáva bubeník Dávid Fus a gitarista Marek Zjavka.
Kapele však chýba stále spevák. Absencia speváka prinútila gitaristov postaviť sa za mikrofón a
zlepšovať svoje spevácke schopnosti,aby sa toto prázdne miesto 
zaplnilo (Štefan Melicherík-clean vocals, Marek Zjavka-scream)
V septembri sa ku kapele pridáva na poste bassgitaristu Michal Tužinčin. 
V októbri kapela nahráva svoje prvé demo pod názvom "Rescue", ktoré kapelu posunulo výrazne do predu.
Na poste speváka sa vystriedalo pár skvelých spevákov, ale ani jeden z nich nezapadol úplne
do štýlu kapely. 


Na začiatku roku je v domácom štúdiu nahraté druhé demo s názvom "Relief", ktoré obsahuje 7 skladieb a intro. 
V skladbe For Fear sa objavuje ako hosť Júlia Pacúchová.
V júni sa ku kapele pridáva Majka Bojová na poste clean vokálov, ale aj growlu a screamu.
Je nahratých niekoľko skladieb na ukážku. Kapela momentálne docvičuje live playlist a pripravuje sa na 
nahrávanie ďalšieho dema, ktoré by sa malo uskutočniť koncom roku 2011.


V tomto roku kapelu čakajú koncerty. Svoju púť začínajú na súťaži v Ostrave, dalej nasleduje Bánska Bystrica, Žilina, Dubnica.  

V máji opúšťa kapelu bubeník Dávid a na jeho miesto nastupuje Michal Manx Papšo, ktorý rýchlo nacvičuje playlist a kapela dostáva príležitosť zahrať si na festivale AFOD 2012, Orava Alternative a po internetovom hlasovaní aj na Gothom Extreme Core.

Svoj vydarený rok ukončia v septembri  akciou ,,Budík´´ v rodnej Považskej Bystrici. Zatvára sa do skúšobne a tvorí novú muziku.

V novembri opúšťa kapelu speváčka Majka a gitarista Marek, ktorý si vytvorili vlastnú bandu BEYOND THIS SCENERY.


V januári kapelu opúšťa bubeník Michal. Kapela si dáva dlhšiu PAUZU a odvoláva dohodnuté akcie. Koncom apríla sa opäť stretajú (Miroslav – kláves, Steve – gitara, Michal – basa) a dohadujú sa o obnovení WHEN I DIE. Oslovujú hudobníkov v širšom okolí.

V máji sa ku kapele pridáva gitarista Ivan Hrnčík, ktorý dáva nový impulz a chuť robiť tento drahý šport. Kapela tvorí nové veci ale chýba im bubeník a spevák.

V júni sa na kapelu usmeje šťastie v podobe bubeníka. Na stoličku si zasadol Ľubomír Blaško, ktorý je v okolí známi svojou precíznosťou.

V auguste sa ku kapele pridáva Terezka Janeková, ktorá obsadila post speváka.

WHEN I DIE môže opäť skúšať naplno a pripravovať sa na koncerty. Po dokončení playlistu sa členovia kapely rozhodnú pre nahrávanie. Odvolávajú štúdia ale nakoniec sa rozhodnú  pre domáce štúdio u Steveho.


V januári kapela dáva na verejnosť tri songy z pripravovaného dema sú to Slow dead, New Beginning a Inwardly.

V marci kapelu opúšta Terezka Janeková. Členovia sa dávajú opäť do hľadania...