Proscribed - O kapele |

Proscribed death-hardcore / Banská Bystrica

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Brink of despair 2014
  • Face the wall 2014
  • Must survive 2012
  • Maybe 2012
  • Proscribed 2012
  • Zostrih skladieb album 2012
  • Intro + The end 2009
  • Wars 2009
  • Shallow brained 2009

Členové skupiny

Nástrojové obsazení: Bicí
Nástrojové obsazení: Growl
Nástrojové obsazení: Baskytara
Nástrojové obsazení: Kytara

Kontakty a odkazy

Dodatečné info

Kapela hrajúca death metal s hardcorovými prvkami vznikla zhruba v októbri 2008. Začalo to celkom nevinne ako nezáväzné hranie ktoré sa časom stalo pravidelným.Na začiatku členovia Patrik Sedmák (bicie) a Jakub Kašiar (vocal, predtým gitara) strávili v skúšobni zopár poobedí. Postupne sme pribrali Tomáša Kapusta(gitara) aj Matej Húšťava(gitara), čo znamenalo že Jakub sa bude venovať naplno iba spevu. Ako posledný člen sa ku kapele pridal Miroslav Longauer(basa). V apríli roku 2012 sme vydali našu prvú dlhohrajúcu dosku s názvom "Delusional", tri skladby si môžte vypočuť na našich stránkach. Tesne pred jej krstom sa v kapele udiali zmeny na poste gitaristu, keď Tomáša nahradil Martin Snopko (ex-Byč).

V tejto zostave naďalej koncertujeme, pripravujeme materiál na ďalšiu nahrávku.

A ak by sa vám naša kapela zapáčila a organizujete nejakú akciu budeme len radi ak nás na ňu prizvete.
s pozdravom PROSCRIBED Procsribed FB page


kontakt : Procsribed

TEL: 0904744068


alebo napíšte na FB: Proscribed, Jakub Tito Kašiar






You are telling me
what I want to hear
you are showing me
what I want to see

I won’t break
stop the shapeless
I won´t break
I promise

This is the end
End of all lies
This is the end
End of your thoughts

This is the end
End of all lies
This is the end
End of your thoughts

You are deriding
behind my back
I´am insane
but I will smile at the end

there are walls in your head,
which you can not destroy
can not understand
that I am my self

I won´t break
stop the shapeless   ness
I won´t break
I promise

This is the end
End of all lies
This is the end
End of your thoughts

This is the end
End of all lies
This is the end
End of your thoughts

You are deriding
behind my back
I am insane
But I will smile at the end


beauty that´s finite
power about to end
primacy that will fall
money that you spend
they have no sense of guilt
without a drop of blood
life in a perfect shell
underneath lies hidden mud

take a look around
puppets, that will gladly
put you down
just to replace you (just to take your place)

kill it inside
shallow- brained
you can wake up

shallow brained
kill it inside
shallow brained
or conk out

you can´t take off a mask
engraved into skin (carved into skin)
disposition´s lost
and so is the real face

take a look around
puppets, that will gladly
put you down
just to replace you (just to take your place)

kill it inside
shallow- brained
you can wake up

shallow brained
kill it inside
shallow brained
or conk out

kill it inside
shallow- brained
you can wake up

shallow brained
kill it inside
shallow brained
or conk out



king full of insanity
lighted the match and played game of life
king  full of insanity
strew the salth in to fresh wonds

march of death
innocent thrown deep into hell
march of death
War - an armed fight for political purposes

land of fate
weapons, chaos, wonders are gone
land of fate
blast , assaulth, life is done

reload gun and the bullet hits the head
fire and wrack sucking the earth
reload gun and the bullet hits the head
the smoke is rising from the forged steel

march of death
innocent thrown deep into hell
march of death
War - an armed fight for political purposes

land of fate
weapons, chaos, wonders are gone
land of fate
blast , assaulth, life is done
life is done
life is done

I want to try to find the truths
That everyone feels, but refuses to speak out


don´t stay careless  to human greed
don´t stay careless to human dumbness

I want to try to find the truths
That everyone feels, but refuses to speak out


don´t stay careless  to human greed
don´t stay careless to human dumbness

its not my war

Bio a historie

Tito - vocal

Martin - guitar

Maťo - guitar

Longi - bass

Pato - drums