Lolita - O kapele |

Lolita indie-rock / Praha

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • SONG FOR JAMES | new EP "Suburban Tales"
  • DAY AFTER DAY | new EP "Suburban Tales"
  • WINTER | new EP "Suburban Tales"
  • EYES OF GREY | new EP "Suburban Tales"
  • FIREMAN | new EP "Suburban Tales"
  • Wendy
  • He Believes It
  • What Would She Do

Členové skupiny

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Dodatečné info

Vocals: Brian Policoff

Guitar1: Pavel Dvořák

Guitar 2: Matěj Moravec

Bass: Jiří Hubka

Percussions: Matouš Kvapil

Bio a historie

    Historie pražské kapely Lolita sahá do počátku roku 2011, kdy se utvořilo její jádro a začalo skládat první písně. Stylem se už od začátku tíhlo k indie-rocku a hlavními zdroji inspirace se staly jak americké, tak i britské kapely tohoto stylu, i když se rozhodně nezapře i vliv různých jiných forem rockové hudby, a to především té z 90.let.

  Kapela si zezačátku prošla různými personálními obměnami, stejně jako různými zkušebními prostory, mezi kterými nechyběly dejvické byty ani proslulé zatuchlé žižkovské katakomby Zkuš, až se její základnou nakonec staly Modřany.

    V současné době hrajeme v pětičlenném složení, sestávajícím ze dvou kytar, basy a bicích v čele se zpěvákem Brianem z Arizony.




Through shadow-plays of smoke staged on the walls

you look at me and smile.

And through the scratches on the tiles

I see again the good old days of the thousandth-time played tape again.


And I still see

Your never-aging old self on the screen

Creeping out of frames all around me

Wendy, oh Wendy


When the sun starts sneering at me from outside

I roll down the blinds

- I leave the outside far behind and hide in darkness

gazing at the thousandth-time played tape again.


And I still see

Your never-aging old self on the screen

Creeping out of frames all around me

Wendy, oh Wendy


Let´s just be

Our never-aging old selves on the screen

Creeping out of frames of memory

Wendy, oh Wendy



He Believes It

He´s the kinda boy that tells a fairytale -

one size fits all, or so they say.

I´ve heard this story, it always stays the same

Only the names and the faces change.


It´s just pretend, but it seems so real -

like a painting that looks like a photograph.

He uses slight of hand to make you feel.

It´s all so sad you just have to - you just have to laugh.


Is it a lie if he believes his own lies?

Is it a lie if he believes it?

Is it a lie if he believes his own lies?

Is it a lie if he believes it?


He´ll draw you in and he will make you feel

like this world´s spinning just for you.

And all this passions has you believing...

it´s nothing temporary.

You only want from him some honesty

and to tell you how he feels,

but there´s no sense in asking him -

he just doesn´t know what´s real.


Is it a lie if he believes his own lies?

Is it a lie if he believes it?

Is it a lie if he believes his own lies?

Is it a lie if he believes it?

And he believes it

Is it a lie if he believes his own lies?

Is it a lie if he believes it?

Is it a lie if he believes his own lies?

Is it a lie if he believes it?

And he believes it

And he believes it




What Would She Do

She asked me what I dream about

What would she say if she found out?

She asked me what I´m dreaming when I´m far away.

What do you think she might say?


What would she do?

What if she knew

that I, I dream about...


She asked me what I dream about

What would she say if she found out?

She asked me what I´m thinking when I´m far away.

What do you think she might say?

What would she do?

What if she knew

that I dream about you


What would she do?

What if she knew

that I dream about you