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My_Dying_Brain Žena, 36 let / ST.PETERSBURG

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Slovakia turned out to have very nice music


Alex, i.e. me, has never been an easy to impress girl, but when she's impressed with smth or by somebody she becomes really annoying as she wants to tell everyone around about the impressive things. Todays impressive thing is Slovakian metal that turned out to be wonderful. I had to make a small investigation in this country's music to know where to go and what to listen to, what CDs to buy. Now it seems that the CDs to buy list will be quite long as there was a great number of bands that simply exposed my dying brain =)

1) Chemotherapy.

Actually this band inspired me for writting always knew that I was (and am) a latent necrophiliac as I always liked RIP bands =) These guys' music is a pure brain explosion - grim, atmospheric, fast, technical, ass kicking...Listened to the songs listed in their bandzone profile for several times this morning. Still under the impression.

2) Depresy.

They were the first Slovakian band I heard and, btw, heard live. When I saw a sweet looking guy and a girl with keyboards I decided that there was one more gothic metal band. When I heard them...well after that gig I was listening to them in my player everyday for a month or so. And that sweet looking guy's voice turned out to be incomparable as well as the keyboards, guitars, bass and drums =) And I have to admit the awful truth: Vesper's voice has become a kind of fetish for me.

3) Infer.

Their dark and gloomy atmosphere bewitches...

4) Diftery

Brutal and gloomy music which is perfect technically - really like the drums and the guitars. Hopefully I'll see them live in May and will buy trepa-nation CD that is "uz v predaji" :P

5) Killchain

Everything is written in the band's name - killer music! Love the energy these guys disgorge!


Have no idea that  typhoid makes people so talented. Will keep in mind that typhus is good for health=)

7) Respite

Agressive and fast. "All my life" song is really one of my fav.

8) Disconsolate.

Very young (I suppose), but very nice band)). Full of energy and really ass-kicking. Really wish them tones of inspiration to finish all their "not final" bandzone songs versions :P And to make a CD which I'm very likely to buy=)

9) Impeccant

Oh, dark, gloomy, agressive..I near to feel the chaos they sing about. I don't remember exactly how I've found this band, but I was under the impression from them for few days at least. They showed that buried and dead dreams sound much more pretty than alive ones:P

10) Brute

Brute is brutal =) Fantastic drums and vocals


* Hope I haven't forgot anything as I used to. I didn't want to offend someone or to flatter someone - everything I wrote is my impressions description written in a stupid (trade mark) style. It's not necessary at all to read the bullshit you see above as it's not very intelligent and may contain a number of grammar mistakes (and I have a digree in English, shame on me=)). The number of letters I've typed so late at night (it's close to 2 in my place) was typed just because I'm really shocked that Slovakia sounds so nice. Neither I've imagined this country with accordance to Hostel movies, but I always knew the beautiful sound of Czech Republic and never heard that of Slovakia before.

On this optimistic note I'm switching on my laptop and going to meet my pillow. Good night to everyone.