Caramel Overdose - O kapele |

Caramel Overdose alternative-rock / Praha

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Like a Child
  • Parasite
  • Another Sky
  • Passions of a Nihilist
  • Crowds

Členové skupiny

Nástrojové obsazení: Bicí

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Dodatečné info

Sestava 2009-2010:

Honza - gitár, voc. (L159, Listopad)

Lukáš - gitár

Pavel - bass (L159, Deliwery)

Petr - drums (L159, Listopad)

Sestava 2010-2011:

Jana - vocals

Honza - gitár, voc.

Lukáš - gitár

Pavel - bass

Petr - drums



Another sky

Can't you see we're chained?
Vast chains wind everywhere
Break them, dare to try
But as you fail
I shall prevail
I'm going to get you

So different, though still the same
We're building ruins
Our efforts end in vain
But as you fail
I shall prevail
I'm going to get you

You've never seen the clouds to cry
It's in the levander breeze - lies-
let's you feel alright
But as you fail
I shall prevail
I'm going to get you



Passions of a Nihilist

Collapsed in the dust, nowhere to go
Bottle of the cheap wine has sacrified the soul
Gazed a lady on the billboard - so aroused

Fields getting dark as i'm losing sight,
Within the orange haze
Inner fire is that you?

And the days of my fever more or less shallow
In the air we drank, it's in the water we breathed
In the way we broke our vows
You'd tried to pull the trigger
Was covered in rust
So leer about you now

Step just a little further break the row
Synthetic happiness always a better way to go
Corrupted your fluids so right so wrong

So i can sell your hopes as you rape my thoughs
Within the orange haze
Loathin' wail is that you?

And the days of my fever more or less shallow
In the air we drank, it's in the water we breathed
In the way we broke our vows
You'd tried to pull the trigger
Was covered in rust
So leer about you now




As he draws closer
Door is sealed again.
For there's no safe corner
In the padded cell.

But at least I'm tryin'
And at least I hope.
Feel so anxied
About daily same shit.

But at least I'm tryin'
And at least I hope.
How vain.

Can't you feel
It's time?
Time to conceal this mind.

As they're fallin' insane,
As they sink in the rain,
When the door is sealed again.

Can't you feel
It's time?
Time to conceal this mind.

It's in the way you seize,
It's in the way you're lyin',
It's in what you demand,
It's in the way you're fallin'.

It's time.
Time to conceal this mind.


Bio a historie