Paul van Nugteren-Filmová Hudba - O kapele |

Paul van Nugteren-Filmová Hudba classical music-jazz / Praha

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Znělka "electric funk"
  • Ukázka filmové hudby "007"
  • the spy who loved me in 416 tuning
  • Ukázka filmové hudby "Prázdnota"
  • Ukázka rockové hudby "Lucky Lucy"
  • Ukázka rockové hudby "it's a beauty"
  • Ukázka elektronické hudby "Arab Nights"
  • Ukázka "Drum 'n Bass"
  • Znělka techno hudby "Acid Attack"
  • Ukázka filmové hudby "Pán prstenů"
  • Ukázka filmové hudby "Transformace"

Členové skupiny

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Dodatečné info

Skládatel a 'kouzelník' virtualních nástrojů; skládá a tvoří hudbu a znělky celkem různorodých stylů mj. pro film, rádio, počítačové hry... jeho ostatní projekty zahrňujou žánry jako jsou elektronika (ambient, house, trance apod.) , alternativní rock a jazz. Hraje a skláda pro kapelu Night Before the End.

Produkce a skladby na zakázku pro zmínené média ale i např. jako orignální dar pro své blízké, přátele, svatbu, výročí, pohřeb, ... jsou mozné po osobní konzultaci. Kontakt najdete vlevo na těchto stránkách.

Darovat skladbu pro někoho blízkého je snad to nejoriginálnejsi co mužete někomu darovat a zanechá vzpomínku na celý zivot...


Bio a historie

Paul van Nugteren, born 1979 in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, son of a Dutch father and Czech Mother with a rich cultural background. Started from a young age to explore the sonic qualities of everyday life. His first contact with a piano came from his grandmother while on visit in Prague.

It can be heard that he was influenced by classical music from an early age. He took a few years classical piano lessons which were aborted when his teacher retired. At an age  of fourteen and dissatisfied with popular electronic music, and after hearing analog synthesizers he pursued to know more underground music and the way those sounds were made. Two years later after learning and experimenting on the piano and being exposed to jazz music and the complex chords used, he decided to take piano improvisation lessons. His new teacher, Henk Bloemers, while being a great inspiration, however also disappointed him by telling that everything in music had already been invented. Maybe a reason he never pursued a career in music till date.

His first synthesizer was a used Roland Juno 60 where he learned how subtractive synthesis worked in practice. He sold it and later bought a Clavia Nordlead which had more possibilities. Experimented with computer programs but was disappointed by the limits of the Win95 era of software, found a very rare computer system called BeOS were he continued to experiment with MIDI and audio with limited success but quite creative results. In 2001 he moved to the Czech Republic to pursue a study in mathematics. In 2009 he found what he was always dreaming about; a physcially modelled piano in software, called PianoTeq.

Currently he is actively composing music for film, rock, electronic and jazz music and composes and plays in an alternative rock band.

Gear: Apple Macbook Pro, Clavia Nordlead, M-Audio Keystation Pro 88, Genelec 1029A studio monitors

Software: Logic Pro, VST pugins: Pianoteq, Synful Orchestra, Strum Accoustic and Electric, Tassman Modular synth...