The 5 Finger Discounts - Novinky |

The 5 Finger Discounts punk / Praha

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Burn All The Flags - EP The OutLaws (2013)
  • The OutLaws - EP The OutLaws (2013)
  • Crossroads - EP The OutLaws (2013)
  • Hail Satan! - EP The OutLaws (2013)
  • Visions Of War - New singl 2012

Tak tu máme další novinku!!!

We have a track featured on the Satanic geek mafia compilation, download it here and definitely give it a listen, some really cool bands on there, like Luvdump, Anti-Venom, Days n Daze, Mad conductor, Atrocity solution and much much more! Cheers to the Satanic Geek Mafia Crew Mexico City

Mame track na Satanic geek mafia kompilaci, tak stahujte a urcite poslechnete, je tam par fakt super kapel, jako treba Luvdump, Anti-Venom, Days n Daze, Mad conductor, Atrocity solution a spousta spousta dalsich! Diky Satanic Geek Mafia Crew Mexico City

Stahujte a sdílejte je to free!!!!

Outlaws tour 2013

Back from tour! So we finally made it, despite a broken radiator, a super storm on the sea and liters of cider, were back home! Thank you so much to everybody who came to our gigs and danced and drank the nights away with us, in Gelnhausen,
London, Brighton, Manchester, Liverpool, Plymouth and Mechelen, you all fucking rock! Also a big thanks to all the promoters and people who helped put up the shows, all the awesome bands we could share the stage with, people who let us sleep in their places
and cooked us food, those who helped us with our crazy van, and last but not least our awesome and helpful Kalamary tour crew, Juki, Sasha and Dan the man in the van!
Photos coming when we sober up! 

Tak jsme zpet z tour! I pres rozbity chladic, cyklon na mori a litry cideru, konecne doma! Moc moc dekujeme vsem co prisli na nase koncerty a protancovali a propili s nama vecer v Gelnhausenu, Londyne, Brightonu, Manchesteru, Liverpoolu, Plymouthu a Mechelenu, ste nejlepsi! Velky dik patri taky vsem organizatorum a lidem co pomahali davat jednotlive koncerty dohromady, vsem super kapelam se kteryma jsme si meli moznost zahrat, lidem
kteri nas ubytovali a nakrmili, pomahali nam s nasi silenou dodavkou, a v neposledni rade nasi nejlepsi a nejuzitecnejsi Kalamary crew, Juki, Sasha a Dan the man in the van!
Az vystrizlive hodime sem nejake fotky!