Denoi - Novinky |

Denoi metal-dance music / Brno

Sledovat Tip týdne

19. září 2016
Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • I Dont Care
  • Faradenza (Little Big cover)
  • Offspring of Our Choices
    My Life is Dirty But I Like It
  • Mad Captain
    My Life is Dirty But I Like It
  • Stallion
  • My Life is Dirty But I Like It
    My Life is Dirty But I Like It
  • I'm Hungry
    My Life is Dirty But I Like It
  • My house - My castle
    Disco Violence
  • Crush The Club!
    Disco Violence
  • One Night Toys
    Disco Violence
  • Let Me Be
    Disco Violence
  • Dans Song
    Disco Violence

Repulsive Irony of Student's Life

Set, just set me free!

College fuckers, is a thought,
where everyone is his own lord.
Spend all money, spend all time.
Rather than learning, fuck all night.

Geeks – swots!
Whores – lots!
Freaks – mates!
All new friends!

Boring study.
Fucking exams.
This is not for me
It's time to set me free.

Have a hangover, it's a shitty day,
as usual, brain is calling for mayday.
For all your money and any time,
you have to drink, even if you gonna die.

You are slave and teacher is a master,
pay attention it’ll be a disaster.
Fuck your school and fuck your tasks,
make a party like a big rock star.

Clear your head by alcohol,
postpone the test and feel like a god.
Make a party with all new friends,
have no money? Ask your parents!

Hey babe, come with me for a walk.
Hey babe, I don't want to talk.
Hey babe, just suck my cock.
For me you're just a dirty whore!

This is bullshit.
Open your eyes.
All your "mates".
Are full of lies.

This is bullshit.
Open your eyes.
All your "mates".
Are full of lies.

Remember if you live like this,
you won't be able to exist.
Take a book and start to learn,
or end up with shovel in a hand.

Zacali sme zverejnovat nase texty

(Upraveno: )

Rozhodli sme sa postupne zverejnovat texty nasich skladieb. Zacneme so songom "Leave Your Money Behind" ktory predstavuje zvratenost s ktorou funguje dnesny svet, jeho smerovanie a riadenie...

Leave Your Money Behind

Welcome to the daily news.

Today there was a tragic accident at the United Nations where several explosives detonated in the Central railway station of the main financial metropolis. 113 are believed to be dead, but this number may increase. More than 400 people are injured.

Just a few moments after this catastrophe was detonated, there came the next wave of explosives inside the main trade centre of United Nations. Nobody expects there to be any survivors under the debris. There were more than 1 500 people, including high representatives of multinational corporations, inside the building when explosives detonated.

The President of the United Nations immediately called a press conference where he announced that this is a terrorist attack. He announced a war against terrorism, and the secretary of defence has commenced planning the offence. The whole of the United Nations has been declared a state of emergency with immediate effect.

We exchanged books and knowledge for shallow fun. Being online is more important than being with friends. Entitlement to the youth in schools is at a lower level every year and thus on the world comes a new generation of idiots. Stupidity and fun is preferable over thinking and finding solutions to our problems. A nation that does not read much does not know much. And a nation that does not know much is more likely to make poor choices in the home, the marketplace, the jury box, and the voting booth. Illiterate majority can declare literate minority. And this, this is a very dangerous aspect of democracy.

We are not citizens any more. We are sheep, and the media is our sheepdog who can directs us as he wants. Elections are not real; democracy does not exist anymore. We all have only one common ruler.

Whole nations are enslaved by banking systems, which profit from the misery of the people and all countries engage in exploitation, of their minerals and population wealth.

The mass media lies to millions of people. They hide the truth for decades and support the hypocrisy of wars in aid of ‘peace’, wars whose only profit is for business. Hundreds of thousands of people dying around the world all for the profit of a few multinational corporations and banks.

You still think you are free? Try to go somewhere, anywhere, and leave your money behind.

2 nove veci!

(Upraveno: )

Po neskonale vycerpavajucich veceroch v Subsonic Studio sme pre vas nachystali dalsie dve chutovecky pred kalbou na Fajtaku! Velke podakovanie patri hlavne Frankiemu a Kubovi za to ze to s nami vydrzali a odviedli skutocne dobru pracu. A Eržovi za pomoc. :)