Alaverdi - Novinky |

Alaverdi hardcore-crust / Praha

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Mtsukharebit' (alb. Make the Poor Rich, feat. Lenkas Dusilas)
  • Amžinos Laimes Išmintis (alb. Make the Poor Rich)
  • Solaras Panelas (alb. Make the Poor Rich)
  • Kosmos Maxi (alb. Make the poor Rich)
  • Acid Rains (alb. Make the Poor Rich)
  • Be Nice (alb. Make the Poor Rich)
  • Yoga Is Life (And Life Is Yoga) (alb. Recycle or Die!)
  • Recycle or Die! (alb. Recycle or Die!)
  • Vegetarian Superman (alb. Recycle or Die!)
  • Save the Whales (alb. Recycle or Die!)
  • Scientist - Murderer (alb. Recycle or Die!)

Nová píseň - dnes "Acid Rains"

Tak dneska my by chtěli vam dát pisničku "Acid Rains". Jako dycky se můžete podivat na text a vysvětlenou na Facebooku, a pisnička na posloucháni je tady. 

To je takova docela rychla environmentalni vec, kde mužete slyšat déšt a tak jak Vytautas dělá australiánsky aboriginsky zaříkání aby pršelo.


Nová píseň každy dva dny - dneska "Be Nice"

Tak my radi bysme vam řekli co je na novym albu Make the Poor Rich.

Tam je 11 věci celkem a my řikali si, že do křtu v Praze Crossu by chtěli ukazat tak každý dva dny jednu pisnicku s textem a vysvětlenim, abyste mohli videt pozitivni vibrace ještě než koupite CD s rucnim environmentalnim drevenym obalem jenom za stovku korun. 

Vždycky když dáme text tam na Facebook, tady dáme píseň, abyste taky slyšali jak to zni a mohli si doma zpivat.  

Takze prvni vec pro dnesek - "Be Nice":

Bude to veliký křest - 23/11 v Crossu

Second album by the wickedest Lithuanian mantracore from Prague is finaly here! 

Edgaras, Vytautas and Marius strike again with more pocitive vibrations. The album "Make the Poor Rich" features a new dose of optimism and serious topics in songs like "Acid Rains", "Be Nice", "(It´s OK That) You´re Gay", "Solaras Panelas" and a loose adaptation of a Georgian traditional featuring Lenka Dusilová singing alongside a monk choir. 

Ther album will come in a custom-made environmentally friendly package made of wood and will be for sale for just 100 CZK. 
Admission to the concert is free of charge. 

A very special Lithuanian vegetarian cooking show will be organized before the show, including the making of šakotis, the legendary Lithuanian "tree-cake" directly on the stage.