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David Muž / parket Zdíkov

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ejhle,našel jsem tohle, sice z 2004, ale potěší. nějaký novinář

Anyway, Twin Dragons are a 'newish' band, I guess, made up of four guys from four different countries. They played about 45 minutes as just a trio though, before ex-Black Sabbath vocalist Tony Martin came out to join them. The early stuff was mostly standard blues numbers, played in a particularly hard-edged dirty style. They opened with "Evil (is Going On)," which I have to admit I thought (up 'till then) was a Monster Magnet original, so that took me by surprise. But then it only took me a second or two to come to the conclusion that it must be a much older song, and indeed it comes from Howlin' Wolf (now that I have done a minute of research). In any case, it's a great song, as done by either Monster Magnet or Twin Dragons as on this night. Willie Dixon's "I Ain't Superstitious" followed soon after, so you know where we're at. All three musicians were talented and the drummer (David Pisvejc I think... though Tull vet Clive Bunker has also played with them) particularly punchy and crisp, so I quite liked their sound. When Martin appeared, of course things changed. The original TD tune (?) "Think it Over" was not surprisingly more Sabbath-like, but then they started to play actual Sabbath *songs*, and no more comparison was necessary. So "War Pigs," "Headless Cross," and "Paranoid" appeared in succession, the middle song of which was IMHO important to offer (as it came from the Martin era), since otherwise it would have seemed rather gratuitous given the noticeable lack of those named Iommi or Osbourne on stage. But perhaps more importantly, they offered up pretty good versions of the old classics. "War Pigs" is perhaps even more relevant to today's world order than it was over thirty years ago, so it was well-received. The surprising thing was although Martin sang OK and without any noticeable "cracking," he also seemed to become somewhat hoarse after only a half-set of material. Perhaps he's more like Ozzy than I once thought. :)

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