Never Go Out - Videa |

Never Go Out punk-alternative / Praha

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Monday Sux (live in Black Pes)
  • Deep Fried (live in Black Pes)

Never Go Out - Monday SUX (live)

Živé vystoupení Vznik: 18.11.2022
Live record "Monday SUX" z koncertu v klubu BlackPES.


I woke up,
and waited,
the sun rose in the sky.

In lap,
I felt it,
that I,
can’t get up, I'm so tired.

I’m too weak, to survive till the evening,
Too tired to get up.

It’s Monday,
my god I need to sleep.
I’m on the way,
into life, still falling deep,
Can’t stand it, can’t stand it, can’t stand it,
Still can’t stand it.

I’m stressed,
‘cause I don’t know,
what will,
come this fucking week.

My mind,
is playing,
with me,
and I don’t know how to feel.

I’m too weak, to survive till the evening,
Too tired to get up.

It’s Monday,
my god I need to sleep.
I’m on the way,
into life, still falling deep,
Can’t stand it, can’t stand it, can’t stand it,
Still can’t stand it.

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