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Why It Is Must To Check FAKE URINE

A typical kit includes fake pee, a cleaning syringe and heating pads to maintain body temperature. It also has a fake penis that's available in different skin tones, including white, tan and Latino.


The Whizzinator is a device that allows people to substitute their own urine during drug tests. It is designed to keep the fake urine at the correct body temperature and to match the chemical composition of real pee. It has a long track record of helping people pass drug tests, but it is important to follow the provided instructions carefully. Using the wrong type of urine can result in failing a test, and even using the right kind of urine at the incorrect temperature can cause failure.

It is easy to see why the Whizzinator has such a strong reputation. The manufacturer of the device, ALS, provides comprehensive kits that include everything needed to successfully cheat a drug test. The kit includes a synthetic urine packet that has been guaranteed to pass chemically, and a synthetic pee reservoir bag. The company also offers a money back guarantee if users are not satisfied with the product.

The synthetic urine that comes with the Whizzinator is a complex concoction of ingredients, including creatine, urea, and other components. These ingredients contribute to the specific gravity, PH balance, and other characteristics of real urine. The synthetic urine is also odorless, making it difficult for lab specialists to detect it during a test. The device itself is also discreet, and a waistband and leg strap make it easy to conceal.

Although many people use the Whizzinator to pass drug tests, others use it for pranks and other purposes. One example is the case of Jonathan Jackson, who was jailed in 2014 for using a Whizzinator to fake a urine sample at a probation office in Tennessee. The court ruled that the man was using the device to commit fraud, and he was sentenced to 75 days in prison.


WHIZZINATOR is a synthetic urine kit that helps people cheat on drug tests. The kit includes fake pee, heater packs and a waistband to conceal the false penis. It's manufactured by Puck Technology in Signal Hill, California. Although it's marketed as an adult novelty item, many people use it to defeat drug tests. The device has tripped up probationers and even one NFL player.

It's a nightmare scenario: You overdid it at the bar after work and now you have to take a drug test for work. You'd love to give your employer a clean sample, but what can you do? Especially if you're under direct observation in the bathroom, it will be difficult to make it look like you're peeing. That's where the WHIZZINATOR Touch comes in. The best part about the Whizzinator is that it's discreet. It looks like a normal penis with a pouch attached, so lab specialists will think you're giving them a genuine sample.

You can get the Whizzinator Kit online for about $150, but it's worth it if you want to pass your drug test. It contains a plastic fake penis, heater packs and synthetic urine that's heated to body temperature. It also includes a temperature strip and instructions. There's a cheaper version called the Monkey Dong that has less synthetic pee but works just as well.

The device isn't foolproof, but it does help people cheat on urine tests and avoid jail time or losing their jobs. Its use has become popular among people who need to beat a drug test because of their heavy drug usage, including professional athletes. A few determined individuals have been caught using it to cheat on a urine test, but the majority of users are successful. Those who aren't are probably better off with other methods, such as taking a swig of water. They're more likely to avoid a criminal conviction, but they won't be as discreet or easy to use.


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